providers/.docs/content/5.Api reference/3.ProviderControlsrunEmbedS...

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793 B

# `ProviderControls.runEmbedScraper`
Run a specific embed scraper and get its outputted streams.
## Example
import { SourcererOutput } from "@movie-web/providers";
// scrape a stream from upcloud
let output: EmbedOutput;
try {
output = await providers.runEmbedScraper({
id: 'upcloud',
url: '',
} catch (err) {
console.log("failed to scrape")
// now has your stream
## Type
function runEmbedScraper(runnerOps: SourceRunnerOptions): Promise<EmbedOutput>;
interface EmbedRunnerOptions {
// object of event functions
events?: IndividualScraperEvents;
// the embed url
url: string;
// id of the embed scraper you want to scrape from
id: string;
type EmbedOutput = {
stream: Stream;