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package that holds all providers of movie-web. Feel free to use for your own projects.


  • scrape popular streaming websites
  • works in both browser and server-side

This package is still WIP


To make testing scrapers easier during development a CLI tool is available to run specific sources. To run the CLI testing tool, use npm run test:dev. The script supports 2 execution modes

  • CLI Mode, for passing in arguments directly to the script
  • Question Mode, where the script asks you questions about which source you wish to test

The following CLI Mode arguments are available

Argument Alias Description Default
--fetcher -f Fetcher type. Either node-fetch or native node-fetch
--source-id -sid Source ID for the source to be tested
--tmdb-id -tid TMDB ID for the media to scrape. Only used if source is a provider
--type -t Media type. Either movie or show. Only used if source is a provider movie
--season -s Season number. Only used if type is show 0
--episode -e Episode number. Only used if type is show 0
--url -u URL to a video embed. Only used if source is an embed
--help -h Shows help for the command arguments

Example testing the FlixHQ source on the movie "Spirited Away"

npm run test:dev -- -sid flixhq -tid 129 -t movie


  • make default fetcher maker thing work with both undici and node-fetch