
983 B


Make an instance of provider controls with configuration. This is the main entrypoint of the library. It is recommended to make one instance globally and reuse it throughout your application.


import { targets, makeProviders, makeDefaultFetcher } from "@movie-web/providers";

const providers = makeProviders({
  fetcher: makeDefaultFetcher(fetch),
  target: targets.NATIVE, // target native app streams


function makeProviders(ops: ProviderBuilderOptions): ProviderControls;

interface ProviderBuilderOptions {
  // instance of a fetcher, all webrequests are made with the fetcher.
  fetcher: Fetcher;
  // instance of a fetcher, in case the request has cors restrictions.
  // this fetcher will be called instead of normal fetcher.
  // if your environment doesnt have cors restrictions (like nodejs), there is no need to set this.
  proxiedFetcher?: Fetcher;

  // target to get streams for
  target: Targets;