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Update guide

Keeping your instance synced

Movie-web's github is constantly being updated. If you want to keep your instance synced to the most recent version, you will need to follow one of the two guides below.

Manual update

You can manually update by typing the below lines into a terminal at the root of your instance

git remote add movie-web
git fetch movie-web
# Change `dev` to `master` if you want a stable experience
git merge movie-web/dev --allow-unrelated-histories
git push -f # Force push to your origin main branch

Automatic update

You can also setup a scheduled workflow to automatically update your instance. This will allow you to keep your instance up to date without manual intervention.

To do this, you will need to follow the guide below...

  1. Create a personal access token and add to repository's secret as PAT
  2. Paste the below file into your repository's root /.github/workflows directory
# File: .github/workflows/sync.yml
name: Sync fork

  - cron: "*/5 * * * *"
    - "*"
    - .github/workflows/sync.yml

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - run: gh repo sync reponame/forkname
        GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
    - uses: gautamkrishnar/keepalive-workflow@v1

::alert{type="info"} This workflow yaml file was taken from this Github repository. ::

  1. Replace the source_repo, source_branch and destination_branch with the correct values for your repository.
  2. Commit and push the changes to your repository.

Your instance should now be automatically updated to the latest version.

Upgrade version

From 3.X to 4.X

You will need the latest version of the proxy worker. Redeploy a new worker using our self-hosting guide.

After you have the new worker, you will need to get the new movie-web deployment files. You CANNOT use the non-PWA version. To upgrade safely without any complications, you need to update with, Not the non-PWA version.

In the future, you will ALWAYS need to go with the PWA option. You cannot downgrade to non-PWA version without facing many caching complications.