import React from 'react'; import { InputBox } from '../components/InputBox' import { Title } from '../components/Title' import { Card } from '../components/Card' import { MovieRow } from '../components/MovieRow' import { Arrow } from '../components/Arrow' import { Progress } from '../components/Progress' import { findMovie, getStreamUrl } from '../lib/lookMovie' import { useMovie } from '../hooks/useMovie'; import './Search.css' export function SearchView() { const { navigate, setStreamUrl, setStreamData } = useMovie(); const maxSteps = 3; const [options, setOptions] = React.useState([]); const [progress, setProgress] = React.useState(0); const [text, setText] = React.useState(""); const [failed, setFailed] = React.useState(false); const [showingOptions, setShowingOptions] = React.useState(false); const fail = (str) => { setProgress(maxSteps); setText(str) setFailed(true) } async function getStream(title, slug, type) { setStreamUrl(""); try { setProgress(2); setText(`Getting stream for "${title}"`) const { url } = await getStreamUrl(slug, type); setProgress(maxSteps); setStreamUrl(url); setStreamData({ title, type, }) setText(`Streaming...`) navigate("movie") } catch (err) { fail("Failed to get stream") } } async function searchMovie(query) { setFailed(false); setText(`Searching for "${query}"`); setProgress(1) setShowingOptions(false) try { const { options } = await findMovie(query) if (options.length === 0) { return fail("Could not find that movie") } else if (options.length > 1) { setProgress(2); setText("Choose your movie"); setOptions(options); setShowingOptions(true); return; } const { title, slug, type } = options[0]; getStream(title, slug, type); } catch (err) { fail("Failed to watch movie") } } return (
What movie do you wanna watch? searchMovie(str)} /> 0} failed={failed} progress={progress} steps={maxSteps} text={text} /> Whoops, there are a few movies like that {options?.map((v, i) => ( { setShowingOptions(false) getStream(v.title, v.slug, v.type) }}/> ))}
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) }