import nodeFetch from 'node-fetch'; import { prompt } from 'enquirer'; import Spinnies from 'spinnies'; import { program } from 'commander'; import dotenv from 'dotenv'; import { makeProviders, targets, makeStandardFetcher, MovieMedia, ShowMedia, ProviderControls, MetaOutput } from '.'; dotenv.config(); type ProviderSourceAnswers = { id: string; type: string; }; type EmbedSourceAnswers = { url: string; }; type CommonAnswers = { fetcher: string; source: string; }; type ShowAnswers = { season: string; episode: string; }; type CommandLineArguments = { fetcher: string; sourceId: string; tmdbId: string; type: string; season: string; episode: string; url: string; }; const TMDB_API_KEY = process.env.MOVIE_WEB_TMDB_API_KEY; if (!TMDB_API_KEY?.trim()) { throw new Error('Missing MOVIE_WEB_TMDB_API_KEY environment variable'); } const sources = getAllSources(); function getAllSources() { // * The only way to get a list of all sources is to // * create all these things. Maybe this should change const providers = makeProviders({ fetcher: makeStandardFetcher(nodeFetch), target: targets.NATIVE }) const sources = providers.listSources(); const embeds = providers.listEmbeds(); const combined = [...sources, ...embeds]; // * Remove dupes const map = new Map( => [, source])); return [] } async function makeTMDBRequest(url: string): Promise { const headers: { accept: 'application/json'; authorization?: string; } = { accept: 'application/json' }; // * JWT keys always start with ey and are ONLY valid as a header. // * All other keys are ONLY valid as a query param. // * Thanks TMDB. if (TMDB_API_KEY!.startsWith('ey')) { headers.authorization = `Bearer ${TMDB_API_KEY}`; } else { url += `?api_key=${TMDB_API_KEY}`; } return fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: headers }); } async function getMovieMediaDetails(id: string): Promise { const response = await makeTMDBRequest(`${id}`); const movie = await response.json(); if (movie.success === false) { throw new Error(movie.status_message); } if (!movie.release_date) { throw new Error(`${movie.title} has no release_date. Assuming unreleased`); } return { type: 'movie', title: movie.title, releaseYear: Number(movie.release_date.split('-')[0]), tmdbId: id }; } async function getShowMediaDetails(id: string, seasonNumber: string, episodeNumber: string): Promise { // * TV shows require the TMDB ID for the series, season, and episode // * and the name of the series. Needs multiple requests let response = await makeTMDBRequest(`${id}`); const series = await response.json(); if (series.success === false) { throw new Error(series.status_message); } if (!series.first_air_date) { throw new Error(`${} has no first_air_date. Assuming unaired`); } response = await makeTMDBRequest(`${id}/season/${seasonNumber}`); const season = await response.json(); if (season.success === false) { throw new Error(season.status_message); } response = await makeTMDBRequest(`${id}/season/${seasonNumber}/episode/${episodeNumber}`); const episode = await response.json(); if (episode.success === false) { throw new Error(episode.status_message); } return { type: 'show', title:, releaseYear: Number(series.first_air_date.split('-')[0]), tmdbId: id, episode: { number: episode.episode_number, tmdbId: }, season: { number: season.season_number, tmdbId: } }; } function joinMediaTypes(mediaTypes: string[] | undefined) { if (mediaTypes) { const formatted = string) => { type = type[0].toUpperCase() + type.substring(1).toLowerCase(); return `${type}s`; }).join(' / '); return `(${formatted})`; } else { return ''; // * Embed sources pass through here too } } async function runQuestions() { const options = { fetcher: 'node-fetch', sourceId: '', tmdbId: '', type: 'movie', season: '0', episode: '0', url: '' }; const answers = await prompt([ { type: 'select', name: 'fetcher', message: 'Select a fetcher', choices: [ { message: 'Native', name: 'native' }, { message: 'Node fetch', name: 'node-fetch' } ] }, { type: 'select', name: 'source', message: 'Select a source', choices: => ({ message: `[${source.type.toLocaleUpperCase()}] ${} ${joinMediaTypes(source.mediaTypes)}`.trim(), name: })) } ]); options.fetcher = answers.fetcher; options.sourceId = answers.source; const source = sources.find(source => === answers.source)!; if (source.type === 'embed') { const sourceAnswers = await prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'url', message: 'Embed URL' } ]); options.url = sourceAnswers.url; } else { const sourceAnswers = await prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'id', message: 'TMDB ID' }, { type: 'select', name: 'type', message: 'Media type', choices: [ { message: 'Movie', name: 'movie' }, { message: 'TV Show', name: 'show' } ] } ]); options.tmdbId =; options.type = sourceAnswers.type; if (sourceAnswers.type === 'show') { const seriesAnswers = await prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'season', message: 'Season' }, { type: 'input', name: 'episode', message: 'Episode' } ]); options.season = seriesAnswers.season; options.episode = seriesAnswers.episode; } } await processOptions(options); } async function runCommandLine() { program .option('-f, --fetcher ', 'Fetcher to use. Either \'native\' or \'node-fetch\'', 'node-fetch') .option('-sid, --source-id ', 'ID for the source to use. Either an embed or provider', '') .option('-tid, --tmdb-id ', 'TMDB ID for the media to scrape. Only used if source is a provider', '') .option('-t, --type ', 'Media type. Either \'movie\' or \'show\'. Only used if source is a provider', 'movie') .option('-s, --season ', 'Season number. Only used if type is \'show\'', '0') .option('-e, --episode ', 'Episode number. Only used if type is \'show\'', '0') .option('-u, --url ', 'URL to a video embed. Only used if source is an embed', '') program.parse(); await processOptions(program.opts()); } async function processOptions(options: CommandLineArguments) { if (options.fetcher !== 'node-fetch' && options.fetcher !== 'native') { throw new Error('Fetcher must be either \'native\' or \'node-fetch\''); } if (!options.sourceId.trim()) { throw new Error('Source ID must be provided'); } const source = sources.find(source => === options.sourceId); if (!source) { throw new Error('Invalid source ID. No source found'); } if (source.type === 'embed' && !options.url.trim()) { throw new Error('Must provide an embed URL for embed sources'); } if (source.type === 'source') { if (!options.tmdbId.trim()) { throw new Error('Must provide a TMDB ID for provider sources'); } if (isNaN(Number(options.tmdbId)) || Number(options.tmdbId) < 0) { throw new Error('TMDB ID must be a number greater than 0'); } if (!options.type.trim()) { throw new Error('Must provide a type for provider sources'); } if (options.type !== 'movie' && options.type !== 'show') { throw new Error('Invalid media type. Must be either \'movie\' or \'show\''); } if (options.type === 'show') { if (!options.season.trim()) { throw new Error('Must provide a season number for TV shows'); } if (!options.episode.trim()) { throw new Error('Must provide an episode number for TV shows'); } if (isNaN(Number(options.season)) || Number(options.season) <= 0) { throw new Error('Season number must be a number greater than 0'); } if (isNaN(Number(options.episode)) || Number(options.episode) <= 0) { throw new Error('Episode number must be a number greater than 0'); } } } let fetcher; if (options.fetcher === 'native') { fetcher = makeStandardFetcher(fetch as any); } else { fetcher = makeStandardFetcher(nodeFetch); } const providers = makeProviders({ fetcher: fetcher, target: targets.NATIVE }); await runScraper(providers, source, options); } async function runScraper(providers: ProviderControls, source: MetaOutput, options: CommandLineArguments) { const spinnies = new Spinnies(); if (source.type === 'embed') { spinnies.add('scrape', { text: `Running ${} scraper on ${options.url}` }); try { const result = await providers.runEmbedScraper({ url: options.url, id: }); spinnies.succeed('scrape', { text: 'Done!' }); console.log(result); } catch (error) { let message = 'Unknown error'; if (error instanceof Error) { message = error.message; }'scrape', { text: `ERROR: ${message}` }); } } else { let media; if (options.type === 'movie') { media = await getMovieMediaDetails(options.tmdbId); } else { media = await getShowMediaDetails(options.tmdbId, options.season, options.episode); } spinnies.add('scrape', { text: `Running ${} scraper on ${media.title}` }); try { const result = await providers.runSourceScraper({ media: media, id: }); spinnies.succeed('scrape', { text: 'Done!' }); console.log(result); } catch (error) { let message = 'Unknown error'; if (error instanceof Error) { message = error.message; }'scrape', { text: `ERROR: ${message}` }); } } } if (process.argv.length === 2) { runQuestions(); } else { runCommandLine(); }