--- title: 'TMDB API Key' --- # Getting an API Key In order to search for movies and TV shows, we use an API called ["The Movie Database" (TMDB)](https://www.themoviedb.org/){target="\_blank"}. For your client to be able to search, you need to generate an API key for yourself. ::alert{type="info"} The API key is **free**, you just need to create an account. :: 1. Create an account at https://www.themoviedb.org/signup 1. You will be required to verify your email; click the link that you get sent to verify your account. 1. Go to https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api/request to create a developer account. 1. Read the terms and conditions and accept them. 1. Fill out your details: - Select "Website" as type of use. - For the other details can put any values; they are not important. 1. Copy the "API Read Access Token" - **DO NOT COPY THE API Key - IT WILL NOT WORK**