--- title: "movie-web | For all your movie and TV show needs" navigation: false layout: page --- ::block-hero --- cta: - Get Started - /introduction/getting-started secondary: - Open on GitHub → - https://github.com/movie-web/movie-web --- #title movie-web #description A simple and no-BS app for watching movies and TV shows :: ::card-grid #title What's all the fuss? #root :ellipsis #default ::card{icon="mdi:server-network"} #title Easy to host #description movie-web can be easily hosted on any static website host. :: ::card{icon="material-symbols:hangout-video-off"} #title No ADs #description movie-web will never show ADs, enjoy watching without interruptions. :: ::card{icon="ic:baseline-ondemand-video"} #title Custom Player #description Enjoy a fully custom video player including streaming integration, subtitle customisation and easy TV season navigation. :: ::