--- title: 'Deploy' --- # Deploying the backend The only officially recognized hosting method is through Docker (or similar container runtimes). It can be scaled horizontally to all your heart's content. For configuration, check out the [configuration reference](2.configuration.md). ::alert{type="info"} The postgres database will need to be populated with [migrations](0.introduction.md) if `postgres.migrateOnBoot` isn't enabled. :: ## Method 1 - Docker For other versions, [check out the package page](https://github.com/movie-web/backend/pkgs/container/backend). ```sh docker run \ -p 80:80 \ -e POSTGRES__CONNECTION=postgresql://localhost:5432 \ -e CRYPTO__SESSION_SECRET=add-your-own-secret \ -e META__NAME=unofficial-movie-web \ ghcr.io/movie-web/backend:latest ```