--- title: 'Troubleshooting' --- # Troubleshooting There is always a possibility for something to go wrong while trying to deploy your own instance of movie-web. This page will contain common issues people have come across while self-hosting and their solutions. ## "Failed to find media, try again!" while searching **This is likely a misconfigured TMDB API key.** To verify that TMDB is the issue, visit `/admin` or `/#/admin` and click on the `Test TMDB` button. If the test succeeds, then your TMDB configuration is correct and the issue is with something else. If the test fails, then you should recheck your credentials. [**Make sure you're using the Read Access Token, not the normal API Key.**](https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api#v4_auth_key){target="\_blank"} ## Everything I try to watch fails **This is likely a misconfigured Worker.** To make sure that the Workers are the issue, visit `/admin` or `/#/admin`, then click on the `Test workers` button. You should have at least 1 Worker registered, if you don't, you should [deploy a worker](../2.proxy/1.deploy.md#method-1---cloudflare-easy) and [set it up in the client](../3.client/3.configuration.md#vite_cors_proxy_url). If any Worker fails the test, you should double check its URL and see if its up to date with the latest updates. ## I can't make an account or login **This is likely misconfigured or broken backend.** To verify that the backend is the issue, visit `/admin` or `/#/admin`, then click on the `Test backend` button. If the backend is online and properly configured it should display the name and version of the backend. If the name and description of the test don't match your own instance, [make sure you have your backend URL set correctly.](../3.client/3.configuration.md#vite_backend_url) If the test gives you an error, your [backend URL configuration option](../3.client/3.configuration.md#vite_backend_url) likely has a typo. If the version that shows up on your backend is not the latest version, you should update your backend to keep up with the latest changes. ## I updated from version 3 to version 4 but I still see the old version It is likely that you haven't installed the PWA version of movie-web. Please read the [upgrade guide](../3.client/5.upgrade.md) for more details on the matter. ## I'm getting SSL issues when using a hosted postgres database You are most likely missing the [`postgres.ssl`](../4.backend/2.configuration.md#postgresssl) variable on your backend, enable it and the connection should work. ## Permission denied to set parameter "session_replication_role" Set the `MIKRO_ORM_MIGRATIONS_DISABLE_FOREIGN_KEYS` option to `false` in either your `.env` or your Docker command.