--- title: 'movie-web - For all your movie and TV show needs' navigation: false head.titleTemplate: '' layout: page --- ::block-hero --- cta: - Get Started - /self-hosting/hosting-intro secondary: - Open on GitHub → - https://github.com/movie-web/movie-web --- #title movie-web #description A simple and no-BS app for watching movies and TV shows. :br Totally free and open source, forever. :: ::card-grid #title What's all the fuss? #root :ellipsis #default ::card{icon="mdi:server-network"} #title Easy to host #description Can be easily hosted on any static website host. :: ::card{icon="material-symbols:hangout-video-off"} #title No Ads #description movie-web will never show ads, enjoy watching without interruptions. :: ::card{icon="ic:baseline-ondemand-video"} #title Custom Player #description Enjoy a fully custom video player including streaming integration, subtitle customisation and easy TV season navigation. :: ::card{icon="mdi:content-save"} #title Saves your progress #description Will remember your progress in movies and TV shows, so you can easily continue where you left off. :: ::card{icon="mdi:bookmark"} #title Bookmarking #description Allows you to bookmark your favourite movies and TV shows, so you can easily find them again. :: ::card{icon="mdi:cloud-refresh"} #title Syncing across devices #description We support syncing your progress, proxies and bookmarks across devices, so you can easily continue where you left off. :: ::card{icon="mdi:power-plug-outline"} #title Modular by design #description Mix and match different parts of the movie-web service, [host your backend](4.backend/1.deploy.md) or use ours, it'll work either way. :: ::card{icon="mdi:flag"} #title Multiple Languages #description Supports over 25 languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew and more. View the full list on [weblate](https://weblate.movie-web.app){target="\_blank"}. :: ::card{icon="mdi:brush-variant"} #title Customisable #description Supports custom themes, subtitle colors and subtitle sizes so you can make it look however you want. :: ::card{icon="mdi:cellphone"} #title PWA Support #description Supports PWA, so you can install it on your phone and use it just like a native app. :: ::