# how to use docker development? ## How to setup? 1. have docker installed 2. create a `config.env` in `/.docker/development`. inspire its contents from `example.config.env` ## how to run? 1. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose up -d` 1.1 if running first time in docker, make sure you have no node_modules folder present in `/`. ## not working? try this: 1. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose down -v` 2. remove `node_modules` directory in `/` if it exists 3. remove `.env` and `config.json` file in `/` if any of them exist 4. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose up -d --build` ## how to stop? 1. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose down` > NOTE: if you want also delete all saved data for a full reset, run `docker compose down -v` instead ## how do I access the terminal for the backend service? make sure the docker services are running, then run `docker attach mw_backend-1`. this will appear to show nothing at first, but all new logs will show up, and anything you type in the terminal now affect the backend service. > Warning: doing CTRL+C will shut down the backend service, it will not kick your terminal back to its original shell. ## how do I read logs? 1. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose ps` 2. note the name of the service you want to see the logs of 3. while in directory `/.docker/development` run `docker compose logs `. fill in the name of the service without the brackets. ## Exposed ports - http://localhost:8081 - backend API - http://localhost:8082 - postgres web UI - postgres://localhost:5432 - postgres